Welcome to
Council of the Alleghenies​
est. 1961
If you have a love of the Allegheny Highlands (in Western Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia & Virginia) and the great historical and cultural importance of this region, please use this website and consider joining the Council of the Alleghenies. ​
The Journal of the Alleghenies
The Council's primary publication is the Journal of the Alleghenies. The Journal has been published almost continuously since 1963.
A subscription to the Journal is included with your membership. Back issues may be purchased by contacting the editor.
A new Index was published in 2015. The Index is divided by Authors and Subjects. The Index is also available for purchase.
Contributions to the Journal are both welcomed and encouraged.
Please contact the editor for more information.

Council Monographs
The Council also has a monograph series. Currently the Council has published two monographs. Both are available for purchase.
Please click here for a complete listing of the Council's publications and costs.
For more information on any of the publications mentioned or to contribute articles to the Journal, please contact the Editor:
Liza Zakharova
210 McCulloh Street
Frostburg, MD 21532
Or Assistant Editor:
Dr. Anthony Crosby, 10719 Tisdale Street, Frostburg, MD 21532, 301-689-8178
The Beginning...
Founded by Dr. Alta Schrock, 1961

The Council of the Alleghenies was organized in 1961 by Dr. Alta Schrock and a group of concerned citizens with the aim "to coordinate efforts of all individuals and groups interested in history, folklore, and traditions of the Allegheny Tableland, and to preserve historical features, foster arts, crafts and small industries and to encourage tourist development." --J. William Hunt, Cumberland Times, January 21, 1962
Dr. Schrock served as the Council's first President and served as editor from 1965-1977.
The area covered by the Council includes the Allegheny Highlands of Western Maryland and Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia.
The Journal of the Alleghenies first appeared as a quarterly publication in the Spring of 1963 with Arthur P. Ziegler of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, serving as editor.
Zeigler said he felt the Journal "should concern itself with articles of fresh scholarship and valuable insights into the history, arts, literature, and folklore of this tableland." The Journal continues to fulfill this mission as an annual publication. Please visit our Publications page to learn more about the Journal.
The first annual Conference was held in Frostburg on April 11, 1964. The theme of the first conference was the Maryland Panhandle: Gateway to the West.
For more information on Council happenings, please visit our Events page.
If you are interested in joining the Council, please visit our Memberships page.
Our Mission
The mission of the Council is to preserve, develop, and share the rich and meaningful traditions, folklore, history, human values, and natural resources of the Allegany Highlands.
The Council's mission is accomplished through the publication of the Journal of the Alleghenies, Annual Meetings, Council field trips, and an annual Symposium.
These activities are meant to foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals, groups, and organizations.
Individuals interested in participating in the Council are encouraged to join.

(A work in progress)
Spring Dinner
​Tuesday, May 6th, 2025 gathering at 5:30 PM
Methodist Church, Frostburg, MD
Speaker: Adam Lewis
Topic: The Cumberland Bone Cave. This fossil-filled cave is located near Corriganville in a geologic formation known as Andy's Ridge and represents one of the finest Pleistocene-era faunas known from Eastern North America.
Meatloaf, scalloped potatos, peas & carrots, cole slaw, cornbread and
pie-al-amode (apple & cherry) for desert
Catered by Cindy Dugan.
​Organizers: Denise Shay, Linda Baker, Margaret Lohr, & Jim Race
Summer Tour
Saturday, June 21, 2025
Cushua Basin and Oak Barrel Restaurant
(More info in Spring letter)
Organizers: Linda Baker, Denise Shay & Margaret Lohr
​​​Annual Symposium
Saturday, August 16, 2025 gathering at 9:30 AM
Cumberland Country Club, Cumberland, MD
Jim Hoey
(More info in Spring letter)
Lunch will be catered by C.C.C.
Organizers: Beverly Chaney, Denise Shay,
Lisa Davis, Linda Baker, Margaret Lohr, & Jim Race
​​Annual Fall Business Meeting
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2025
At Ft Ashby & Ashby's Fort w/speaker
Meeting and lunch will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church.
The meal will include baked steak mashed potatoes & gravy
a vegetable, roll, drinks and pie for desert.
Organizers: Beverly Chaney,
Linda Baker, Margaret Lohr, & Jim Race
Council Organizers: Anna Marie Miller, Lisa Davis, Linda Baker,
Beverly Chaney, Denise Shay, Margaret Lohr, & Jim Race
Board of Directors 2025 Meetings:
March 18, Frostburg Library; May 20, Grantsville Library;
September 16, Zion Lutheran Church, Accident and November 18, Frostburg Library.
All meetings start at 1:30 PM.
If you have a love of these Highlands of great natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, consider joining the Council of the Alleghenies. You need not be a native mountaineer to appreciate mountain scenery, folklore, culture and history, nor to join in this effort to preserve these treasures. Your membership dues and contributions will be used exclusively to carry on the creative work on the Council.
Annual membership dues are available in the following categories:
1. Active Dues: $20
2. Family Household membership: $35
3. Sustaining membership: $50
Members participate in a wide variety of Council activities and receive the annual Journal of the Alleghenies and other releases.
For a membership application,
please click the blue button.
If you have questions about membership, please contact Jim Race: 301.689.3421
This page contains information about other related organizations. If you have suggestions for additions, please email them to:
Genealogy Resources, Lewis J. Ort Library, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD
This page includes information about genealogical research materials available at the FSU Library. Includes a complete listing of the library's newspaper and Census microfilm holdings.
Genealogical Society of Allegany County
This site includes tools and information to aid those in researching ancestors who lived in Allegany County, Maryland, including a list of all surnames available for research, links to marriage records, and a list of all cemeteries in Allegany County, divided into sections. The site also offers information on how to submit queries to the Society, a list of all available resources at the library, and the publications that the Society produces, including a list of past issues of the newsletter.
Penn Alps and Spruce Forest Artisan Village, Grantsville, MD
Penn Alps was started in 1957 by Dr. Alta Schrock as a means to provide a marketing arm for local cottage industries, a cultural center to showcase and preserve the area's arts and crafts, its music, history, and spiritual values and to open a restaurant to serve hearty country fare.
C & O Canal
Official National Park Service web site for the C&O Canal National Historic Park, a 184.5-mile historic trail/ towpath that runs between Cumberland, MD and Washington, DC.
Cumberland's Canal Place, Cumberland, MD
Official web site of Cumberland's Canal Place. Visitors can ride a diesel engine train, hike or bike the C&O Canal towpath, tour a full-scale Canal Boat Replica, learn about canal history at the C&O Canal National Historical Park's Cumberland Visitor Center, and enjoy unique festivals like our annual C&O Canal Fest.
The Cumberland Road Project
Learn the history of the Cumberland Road/National Turnpike from its beginning in Cumberland to its end in Illinois.
The National Road Forum
A forum that is dedicated to the discussion of all aspects of the Cumberland/National Road and the communities that grew up along side it.
Western Maryland History
Dedicated to the recognition, documentation and the preservation of our history, historic sites and structures. Join us in the effort to highlight our past and preserve it for future generations.
Special Collections, Lewis J. Ort Library, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD
This resource includes an extensive collection of materials that focus on Western Maryland, Southwestern Pennsylvania, and Northern West Virginia. The collection is especially strong in mining materials, the C & O Canal, the National Road, and local genealogy. In addition, the Library maintains two complete sets of the Journal of the Alleghenies and houses microfilm editions of many local newspapers back to the 1800s. An appointment is recommended.
Appalachian Room, Library, Allegany College of Maryland, Cumberland, MD
Includes a large collection of Western Maryland local history and genealogical materials.
Appalachian Collection, Library, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
WVU Libraries maintains one of the nation's best collections on Appalachian regional culture. The Appalachian Collection numbers over 10,000 volumes which are located throughout the WVU library system.
The Ruth Enlow Library Obituary Database, Garrett County, MD
This is a searchable database with images made up of obituaries, death notices, or other death articles scanned from The Republican newspaper’s microfilm issues located at the Ruth Enlow Library’s Oakland branch.
Frostburg Museum, Frostburg, MD
The Frostburg Museum is an excellent resource for those interested in the history of Frostburg, mining in the Georges Creek Valley, the National Road, and Western Maryland. It's located on Main Street in Frostburg.
Thrasher Carriage Museum, Frostburg, MD
The Thrasher Carriage Museum, one of the top collections of horse-drawn vehicles, represents every walk of life from the milkman to the wealthy. Pleasure vehicles, funeral wagons, sleighs, carts, and more are on display in the renovated 19th century warehouse. Visitors will enjoy browsing in the General Store gift shop for candles, candy, toys, and more.
Jim Race